Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

Do Pheromones Really Work?

Or maybe a better question might be, do human pheromones exist?

And if so, can they really attract others?

Since starting this web site several years ago, I've received a growing number of questions about pheromone products. Guys want to know if pheromone sprays and colognes really work - and if so, which pheromone products are the best for attracting others.

I've always been very curious about pheromones ever since I first heard about them, so I've decided to do some extensive research on the subject in order to learn as much as I can about this fascinating subject.

Over the past 2 years, I've even tried many of the well-known pheromone products on the market - just to see what would happen.

Not only have I learned a lot about the history and scientific studies involving human pheromones, but I've discovered what works and what doesn't. I now know which products are for real and which are complete garbage.

My tests may not be "clinical" but I think they are a good indication of what to expect (or what not to expect) in real-world situations. In any case, I think you'll find my results very interesting.

But before getting into my results, let's take a moment to understand more about human pheromones - what they are, where they come from, and so on...

So what exactly are pheromones?

Pheromones are airborne chemicals which are emitted to attract the opposite sex.

Researchers at the University of Colorado have found that pheromones are detected through the Vemeronasal Organ (VNO) in the nose. The VNO functions as the distinct sensory apparatus that detects pheromones. All people they examined had two small holes on both sides of the hard divider in the nose. The holes are found just inside the opening of the nose. A group of clear cells lies just behind these holes. These cells are similar in appearance to nerve cells . These scientists have concluded these cells are responsible for detecting human sex pheromones. The pheromones then transmit a signal to the hypothalamus in the brain (the brain's center of emotions), sending a chemical message of sexual attraction.

Pheromones are believed to be detected on an instinctual, subconscious level. In other words, you don't know that you're receiving them, but you are.

There are many different species of animals (including humans) which emit pheromones. In the animal kingdom, it is very easy to see the awesome power that pheromones have over sexual instincts. For example, a dog "in heat" drives other dogs crazy with sexual desire from miles away - using only their natural pheromones.

Basically, the drive to mate is a strong natural instinct in all animals (including humans) and sexual chemicals are what drives those sexual instincts.

But pheromones may be much more important than we realize...

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